Going to HUMANWINE this weekend, ( http://www.humanwine.org/home.html) then heading south. Maybe crash at the baron's place for a few days. After that, we are looking at spending a month in Connecticut. Specifically in oxford, I believe. So we are looking for Connecticut allies right now!
If you live in Connecticut, around Hartford or Oxford, message us! We need to find a place to park for a few days to a week before the Ren Faire ( http://midsummermagickfaire.com/index.html ). Plus, we could use some extra work during that period. We need to find Temp jobs, or someone who needs help for the month of July (but not on weekends). Spread the word!
We made money at Portcon, which is good. Then we went on a shopping spree and finally got a bunch of useful tools for living out of the RV. We do have money to run the Icarus, but with the oncoming land-lock we will have during the faire, we need a little boost. Again, any jobs or projects someone needs help with, we are helpful people!
Oh, and here is Eurus, my trophy from the Boffa Tourney:

Purdy, Idn'it?
Also, We have 'A Dreadful Affair' being planned. Whisper will talk more about that right after me, but I just wanted to say that we need a location, and we are searching for a place right now. Plus, we need to either make a little money to set this up, or work off of donations (food, drink, supplies...maybe have everyone bring something?) but we are still debating the best way to do this.
Anyways, I shall hand you off to Whisper!
Hugs and Bludgeonings,
~The Captain
Part II.
Thank you, Cap'n!
So, as Cap said, we have A Dreadful Affair coming up. I have a few people looking into locations, but more people looking is always a good thing.
Also, I want to set up a pre-reg sort of thing, maybe via PayPal. Anyone interested in essentially pre-regging for Dreadful Affair to help us get the money to secure a location, please let me know via this blog that you would be able to help out!
Once we have a location, we can move forward with things. If we don't find a location, I will refund any pre-regs.
I figured I would officially announce that right now.
Friday, we have two panels, the photoshoot, and POSSIBLY our Penny Dreadful Sky-Pirate Shindy.
Saturday, after the faire, we have two panels.
Cap, Rapture, Alan, and myself will only be at CT-con for Friday and then Saturday night. But the General and Lucretia will be there all weekend I believe, along with their lovely lady friends.
I mentioned this briefly, but if anyone has an old corset that they don't want/no longer fits for whatever reason, I am looking for a corset. About a 28". I have never had one, and at the rate we have been slowly making any money, it doesn't look like I will be able to save up for one any soon. So if you have one, let me know! I will try to figure out some kind of payment, maybe some of my steampunk items I usually sell? Let me know.
And once more, we are still accepting cans to recycle and any loose change you may have! We had random donations at PortCon (and not so random) and I thank EVERYONE who has been giving so generously. You guys have absolutely no idea how much it means to us when we're offered places to stay, a meal, or even a little handful of pennies. Every little bit counts in helping us bring The Penny Dreadfuls and steampunk all over the place and allow us to live this crazy dream.
Thank you guys. Seriously.
All best and much love,
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